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Image by Nick Morrison


Modules of Capabilities

  • Foundations

    • Copywriting 101

    • Digital Content

  • Client Logistics 

    • Defining Your Voice 

    • Platforms 

    • The Business of Copywriting 

  • Real World Business

    • Writing to land the sale 

    • Website and Community Building through your copy 

    • SEO and The Metaverse 

    • Other Online Marketing Platforms 

    • Copywriting For Social Media 

    • Exceeding expectations 

Training Week By Week

Foundations (Week 1)
  • ​Prewriting Processes & Strategies

  • Digital Content

  • Learning objective: Understand how your audience read and interact with digital content.

  • How do readers 'see' digital content?

  • The 'skim' factor - skimmers and scanners vs. longer readers

  • Web usability research and what it means for effective writing

  • Mobile - where your customers and audience are today most likely read your copy

  • How marketing messages can be more effective with the right digital copy.

  • Getting into a digital mind-frame

  • Understanding the importance of keywords and phrases used in copy

Defining Your Voice (Week 2)
  • Discovering your verbal crutches and tendencies

  •  Considerations when writing copy for key platforms and how to think strategically.

  • Reviewing what you want to achieve

  • Recapping the potential benefits

  • Identifying where your audience are, what they are doing and what they expect

  • Ways to measure success

Image by hannah grace
Image by Super Snapper
Platforms (Week 3)
  • How to make the most of each medium - websites, emails, ads, social media

  • Reviewing what will work and where

  • Creating a checklist for effective web copywriting

  • Search Engine Optimization

The Business of Copywriting (Weeks 4 - 5)
  • Interviewing: Preparation, Techniques & Ethics

  • Crafting Pitches 

  • How to sell digital copy

  • Agreements, revisions, and building your portfolio of work

Image by Hannah Olinger
Image by Daniel Thomas
Image by ConvertKit
Image by Darius Bashar
Image by Wadi Lissa
Writing to land the sale
(Weeks 6-7)
  • Content types and format

  • Content tools

  • Content creation and curation

  • Content creation best practice

  • Brand components

  • Content personalization

  • Audience and niche (who you want to serve)

  • How, when, where (platform niche)

  • Marketing Your Business: Online groups to join and engage in

Website and Community Building through your copy
(Weeks 8-9)
  • Creating copy that makes people “lean in”

  • How to craft the perfect testimonial every time

  • Telling the about story

  • Creating both speaking, written, and online bios

  • Building engagement and community with your copy

  • Understanding the subconscious trigger of words and how that moves people

Image by Joel Mott
Image by
SEO and The Metaverse
(Weeks 10-11)
  • Writing effectively for both your audience and search engines.

  • How SEO copywriting affects digital content - where else will your headlines appear?

  • Which words are the most important on a web page? And why?

  • Understanding 'call to actions' the digital way

  • Why current copy is the basis of our digital future

  • AI or authentic writing

Other Online Marketing Platforms (Email marketing, blogs, articles, press releases, etc)
(Weeks 12-13)
  • Making emails and email marketing campaigns work harder.

  • Identifying why your audience would read - or ignore - your email

  • Getting the subject line right

  • How to avoid getting sent straight to spam

  • What are the golden rules and cardinal sins?

  • What to test and why

  • Crafting the perfect online article that edutains

  • The process of Press Releases

  • How to create a blog and take the conversation further.

  • Understand what a blog is - dialogue, not a conversation

  • Identifying the top 5 content rules for a great blog as well as the top 5 cardinal sins for a great blog

  • Where to find and promote blogs, and reviewing existing blog examples

  • Identifying opportunities through links/blog-rolls/tag clouds etc.

  • How to stimulate and deal with comments

Image by Content Pixie
Image by Carl Heyerdahl
Copywriting For Social Media
(Weeks 14-15)
  • Writing effectively for both your audience and search engines.

  • How SEO copywriting affects digital content - where else will your headlines appear?

  • Which words are the most important on a web page? And why?

  • Understanding 'call to actions' the digital way

  • Why current copy is the basis of our digital future

  • AI or authentic writing

Exceeding expectations (Weeks 16-18)
  • How to write book proposals

  • Creating a welcome kit copy

  • Building out client retention system copy

  • Crating sales funnel copy

Image by No Revisions
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